The data, text , information, images or sounds posted on the Web site http://www.jamonesfaustinoprieto.com are shown only for information for all those interested in them, without Access to generate commercial , contractual or professional between users and FAUSTINO PRIETO MARTIN. In case of discrepancy between the information contained on the website and on hard copy , the latter shall prevail . It warns the user before any action arising from the content of the Web site , proceed to verify the information by contacting the company by any means of contact.
Availability and continuity:
PRIETO MARTIN FAUSTINO excludes, to the extent allowed our law, any liability for damages of any kind caused by the lack of availability or continuity of access to the website and its services. Access to information and services provided by this website is , in principle , indefinitely . However, FAUSTINO PRIETO MARTIN may terminate or suspend access to its website at any time.
Virus and malicious code :
PRIETO MARTIN FAUSTINO excludes, to the extent allowed our law, any liability for damages of any kind that may result from the presence of viruses or other malicious code in the contents that may cause any kind of damage to the system , electronic documents or user files .
PRIETO MARTIN FAUSTINO excludes, to the extent allowed our law, any liability for damages of any kind caused to users by the use of technical links (links) , directories and search tools that allow users to access web sites owned and / or managed by third parties .
Illicit use :
PRIETO MARTIN FAUSTINO not responsible for the breach of any rule that may be incurred by the user’s access to the Website and / or use of the information contained therein . Nor is responsible for the illegitimate use that third parties may make of the trade names, trademarks or other distinctive signs which are not owned by FAUSTINO PRIETO MARTIN , appearing on the Web site .
The SSL security protocol , to encrypt all information, this means that the data you enter from that time are protected with security sitema . You know you are on a secure page because the symbol of a padlock in the bottom of your browser.
Payments by credit card
SSL encryption system we use, through banking gateway confers safety to data transmission through the network. Your details have absolute confidentiality and protection.
The data will not under any circumstances be used for purposes other than those specifically mentioned herein . In any case be transferred to third parties and may only be used by FAUSTINO PRIETO MARTIN and only make purchases that you request. Our secure server guarantees the privacy of the data you transmit to us. This privacy is achieved using SSL , encrypting the data sent through the system of 128-bit RSA encryption , when located in a secure area of a browser. Your browser Netscape or Explorer , working with the secure server encrypts the data so that if someone else , in the process of transmission, appropriate get these , you can not read them because they do not have the necessary key . You can verify that your browser is secure , when you connect to the gateway bank , if the following identifications: a key fills that appears at the bottom left of your Netscape browser , or the padlock appears in the bottom right of your browser if using Microsoft Explorer .