Our prize-winning iberian hams and pigs
Throughout our history we have received several awards that make us proud and encourage us to continue with our work.
Above all, we are proud that we have received awards in all stages of preparation of sausages, hams and shoulders, from cattle and their genetics to the final product already made. These are some of the awards we have received:

Best Iberico Bellota Ham 100%
The Association of Food Artisans of Castilla y León awarded us the Gold Medal in the category of meat products for 100% Iberico Breed Acorn-fed Iberico Ham

Best bellora Salchichón
The Association of Food Artisans of Castilla y León awarded us the Bronze Medal in the category of meat products for our exquisite Acorn-fed Iberian Salchichón.

Best national iberian sausage
The Association of Food Craftsmen of Castilla y León gave us the first prize for the best pork sausage in the category of meat products for our exquisite Iberian acorn sirloin.

2nd national prize to the maternal genetic index of the iberian
It was awarded in the XXXII national contest of the Iberian pig by the Asoc. Esp. Del Cerdo Ibérico (AECERIBER). Our females were awarded for their excellent morphology and purity

Best regional batch of iberian females
We received the award for the best batch of Iberian females in the category of “marranas” (sows) in the VI interregional morphological contest of selected Iberian pigs. The purity and morphology of our females returns to make us proud.

Best iberian bellota ham of castilla y león
With the help of Juan Zapatero, we received the award for the best Iberian ham. The prize was awarded as a result of the evaluations of the experts of the Agriculture and Livestock Conservatories.

Best iberian bellota ham
The Association of Artisans of Castilla y León gave us the first prize for the best Iberian ham in the category of meat products. Our two hams were first and second in this contest.

Best iberian ham national recebo
The Association of Artisans of Castilla y León gave us the second prize for the best Iberian ham recebo in the category of meat products. Our two hams were first and second in this contest.